And welcome to RELITE Africa
As a student at the University of Ghana, you may eventually want to be involved with your local church. But do you feel able to preach or teach from the Bible?
The RELITE Training Course will equip you with the Scriptural knowledge, the skills and confidence to be an effective communicator of the Gospel message.
From a past student
Relite has helped me discover the need to walk and work with God in the right way. My only challenge is that a lot of people don’t know about it so they can also come and learn. God bless you.
I could not understand the old testament anytime i read it but at Relite i was taught that it points to Christ and now it easier for me to understand and apply to my life.
Relite served as a means God used in revealing to me what His Glory really stood for. I’ve also been trained to better expound on scripture. I never understood the necessity and urgency for discipleship until Relite. God bless and sustain the Relite school.
Relite has helped me to better understand God’s purpose for creating man, and how consistent the Bible is in pointing to Christ as the promised Saviour. What has been challenging has been studying the leader’s notes in time.
The main thing i have learnt from RELITE is that d whole Bible is just one message, about Jesus. This i didn’t know before, so understanding the Bible especially the Old Testament was difficult. My main challenge has been getting a disciple to come with me every week. Because i didn’t have one prior to RELITE.
Thank God, I’m now so conscious of passages and able to apply them rightly in preaching and teaching. I’m also maturing in the usage of bible passages. I didn’t see any challenge in Relite but rather we students don’t give our utmost commitment.
I have seen magnificent improvement in my knowledge of the word of God, my prayer life and fellowship with others. In Relite I have learnt that the Lords last command in Matt 28: 19,20 should be our first concern. Discipling others is paramount in our walk with God. Sincerely with pastors who are ever ready to reach the needs of Relite students in all aspects of their lives, i have faced no challenges in Relite”
Relite has greatly helped me to deal with the constant conflicts within me. Now i can look at myself in the eyes of God rather than men, I’ve been challenged to be more spiritually minded. This has encouraged me to work harder on growing my faith. My main challenge has being my inability to express my views and thoughts at meetings.
RELITE has been an eye opener to me. Especially with the fact that all the books in the Old Testament were actually pointing to JESUS. To me, this is enough reason for everyone to believe in Jesus, if that person believes in the Old Testament.
From a current student
We were taught about the intention of God concerning our existence, that is, everything is to his glory. This has helped me to keep my bearings right in everything I do
Relite was an answer to prayer I made in my second year. Mr understanding and approach to scripture has changed, I was able to prepare my first Bible study after RELITE. I learnt about the Glory of God in Relite, and in writing my Mission and vision statement for life, I wrote ‘To the Glory of God’. I got to understand the meaning of life through RELITE.
In RELITE we were impacted to teach, and that helped me in the position I held in my denomination. When I went home, I was teaching some friends what I had learnt in RELITE, and one friend from another tertiary institution asked ‘how can we also get access to these things you are learning’. Relite has transformed me, and I’ll recommend that these teachings go out to other institutions.
The Next Training Course
The next RELITE Training Course commences in May 2024.
All university students are welcome to special student services which are held on campus at LIC every Sunday from 6.30am to 8.00am.